
a God wink

I don't think the way you think. The way you work isn't the way I work...For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think. Isaiah 55:8-9 MSG

you guys, God continually surprises me--i just never know what he is up to! sometimes i imagine him meeting me for coffee & discussing what my next 5 years are going to look like. and all like, no way! seriously?? oh, she doesn't! and he's all like, yep, it's gonna be wild. and then tells me, you really won't believe what happens in the next 5...but, that's not how this life thing works.

if i know anything at my young 28 (almost 29) years of life, it's this: his ways are not my ways. and thank you, Lord, for that. man, can i muck it all up sometimes. but you know what else i can say without a doubt: his fingerprints are all over my life! and, oh, how i praise you, Lord, for that. 

on march 1 of this year, i officially started my blog. for months leading up to that day, i toyed with the idea. maybe it doesn't sound like such a big deal...i mean, everyone has one these days anyway, right? who will even care? well, i cared. the thought stirred in me & wouldn't go away. i'm talking, on my mind, constantly, every single day. once i started to actually work on it, i felt it. that inexplicable joy. that peace. that fresh word in my heart. it was the will. God's will.

at that moment, i knew God was using me...and apparently, wanted to use this blog. didn't know how exactly. didn't know who would even read it, but i had heavenly confirmation. so i gave the blog over. it wasn't mine, then. it was his. i knew in my heart i wanted to be authentic -even vulnerable- for his glory. goodness, i just wanted/want to share my life with you! because i love you! because i love him! because he loves me! 1 Thessalonians came to mind. Paul writes in chapter 2 verse 8 that "we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us." i want to share my real, often times messy, life with you. i want the gospel of God to be seen alive in my life. and i want to impart it to you!

so, friend, i blogged & just a few months into it...God showed up. 

a sweet girl i had met -years ago mind you- when i was involved in a college ministry, reached out to me through facebook. we had recently found each other on instagram & were enjoying getting to see small bits of each others lives, once again. since seeing her last, she had graduated & moved on & actually connected with 6 other amazing Christian women from across the united states. they had begun a daily devotionals ministry (redevotionals.com)...and she asked if i'd like to guest blog for them. 

um, yeah.
can we say, a God thing.
or as my dad likes to call it, a God wink.
yeah, i think so. ;)

so, today, is the day for my guest post to go up. once she told me about their site, i immediately subscribed to get their posts daily via email & love being able to read them whenever & from wherever i am. real women. meeting with God. and trying to live in grace. work out of love. and share our hope. the redemptive & eternal hope we have in Jesus Christ. to join in on the conversation & daily readings go to redevotionals.com and enter your email address to follow the blog! 

we're in this together, friend!

We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father... 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 NASB