well, we're in week 36 and the nursery is finally done. we had some strong contractions 3 nights ago that lasted about 30 minutes and then again last night for about 45 minutes. i was fighting some major hot flashes and nasty nausea, too. i just wonder how early this baby girl may come. i'd really like her to hang out in there until at least 37 if not 38 weeks--for her sake--but if she's anything like her brother & sisters, she's stubborn & will want to do things her way. ;)
but the waiting...it really is no fun at this point.
is that a contraction?
am i leaking fluids?
do i have everything packed that i need?
are we ready for another?
i have to say, having the nursery ready has helped. but now i'm not sure what i should be worrying/obsessing about. i'm sure there's something. oh man, what if i'm forgetting something important. now i'm worried about what i may be forgetting to worry about. i can feel my sanity slipping away.
so this nursery isn't your typical baby girl nursery, i suppose. and when people have asked what we were "doing the nursery in" i really wasn't sure what to say: southwestern modern eclectic? bohemian southwestern with a modern twist?? i don't know-it's just stuff i like. let's start with the room pre-rummage sale...
oh baby.
how's this for before pics...
yes, that is chairs on top of bunk beds & a log in the middle of the room. funny how quick a room can get completely out of control. remember, this is the same room that less than a year ago we had ready for foster care. {more on that here.} and well, once we were surprised by baby #4 in october, it become an exceptional storage closet for these past 7-8 months.
the rummage sale we had last month really helped clear out the room. but then there were still things that needed decided & done. like, for whatever reason, deciding whether to leave the room turquoise or paint it white felt like the biggest decision of my life. i changed my mind so many times that i know i drove hubs crazy.
final decision: paint the walls white.
so that meant we needed to start patching walls and prepping for paint.
next big question: to keep the twin bed in there or not...
"no, it'll take up too much room."
"yes, it'll be nice to have a spare bed."
well, the whole "why not have an extra bed--for me or anyone else" argument won. we decided to keep it in there...at least for now.
just out of curiosity, is anyone else so ocd about planning/decorating that they make diagrams???
no? okay.
also, that one wasn't even the first one.
little nest's nursery:
baby girl's little mobile i made. i found all of these items in a craft tote i had. i played around with the draping and loved the end result. simple & sweet.
remember the diy yarn hanging i made back in february?? it finally found its' rightful home in the nursery.
and the black crosses? washi tape. easy to put on. easy to take off. easy to change later. i have so many ideas for the future. also, it gives a cool graphic design to work on developing baby girl's eyes.
this was my great grandma edna's rocking chair. we lived with her when i was first born & her home was my first home. she rocked me in this chair & now i'll rock our baby girl in it.
see that angel snow globe? big sis kennedy thought baby sister needed it more. i think it was a great addition.
next biggest decision of my life: to keep the current curtains or switch with the white ones in the girls' room. seriously, y'all don't know how often i thought about these things.
remember the yarn-wrapped antlers from grandpa project...also from back in february?? he thought they were fitting considering her name.
oh, did you catch that artwork made by my baby sis?
i collected all the artwork the kids have done for baby sister & i during the pregnancy & now have it displayed in baby girl's room. i love having that little touch from each of them as part of welcoming her home.
and yes, i suppose i should share her name now:
we can't wait to meet baby olive. officially & fully: olive deering.
we love her so.