i almost forgot her birthday.
i mean, i knew it was coming, but my mind has been on new baby coming plus dates & numbers have never been my thing anyway...am i making excuses? maybe. does it even matter? probably to her. one day.
we were really hoping to celebrate outside with all our new, pretty plant babies, but, of course, it called for rain. all. day. i also had little to no ability to get anything prepped or decorated this time around. 38 going on 39 weeks pregnant & i can barely walk. seriously, you should see me. no. you really should not. it's just sad. and slightly embarrassing. penguins are cute, right? waddle. waddle.
so my party plan...keep it as simple as possible.
late afternoon.
ice cream sundaes.
(and ice cream floats per the kids' requests.)
use whatever decorations i have here at the house.
use plasticware so there are minimal dishes.
that's about it.
i almost forgot about her gift.
luckily i had purchased a few things along the way already & just had to put them into a gift bag for her. no card. i mean, what's she gonna do? read it? (excuses. i forgot.)
so the funny thing is...we've sort of done all this before.
before our second, kennedy, was born, we were waiting on our first, emma, to have her fourth birthday. we made it through the party & she was born two days later. i joke that this little guy will be coming in two days since we got through his sister's birthday today. we're nothing if not consistent. i also have to point out that having two sets of birthdays close together with a brood of five is a ridiculous blessing for this family. that means only three actual parties each year. YASSSS. imma pretend like we planned it that way all along.
you guys, look at those faces.
my favorite.
happy birthday my olive deering.