
waiting on baby

well, we've made it to 26 weeks & 3 days (according to this nifty app i have). and honestly, it has flown by. i guess keeping up with the 3 other littles has kept us just a little busy. june 7 will be here before we know it. even though i highly doubt we make it to june 7. i've never done the whole "full term" thing. those babies don't like to wait.

i've also realized that with my 3 other pregnancies i couldn't wait to not be pregnant. being pregnant wasn't the big thrill for me like i know it is for a lot of mommas. but this time...this time is different. maybe it's because i'm older (but still in ma 20's!). maybe it's because this may be our last baby (4 is sounding more & more like a good number). but it's just different. i may even say i've enjoyed the majority of this pregnancy. (going into the 3rd trimester might not be the best time to say that.) but this time around, i just can't wait to meet this baby girl. i can't wait to see who you will be. the place you will fill for our family. 

Dearest Baby Girl, 
While we're waiting on you: 
This spring is coming in like a lion, and we're hoping it goes out like a lamb--and quickly. March has brought us #snowpocalypse2015. Between 12-14 inches of snowfall in most places today. Your brother and sister (minus Kennedy) want nothing more than to build an igloo. Kennedy wants nothing more than to bake cookies and watch TV. And yes, they are ALL praying they never have to go back to school. I am praying something very different.  
Your dad shoveled a path for me in our yard so I could make it to this tree. I mean, come on, I just HAD to get some pictures. And I know it's March & all but there's no denying the beauty in this snowfall. And there's no denying the beauty in this little life we are waiting on.  

I can imagine that someday we will regard our children not as creatures to manipulate or to change but rather as messengers from a world we once knew but which we have long since forgotten, who can reveal more to us about the true secrets of life, and also our own lives, than our parents were ever able to.

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